Residential Developments
Our team is vastly experienced in delivering planning permission for residential developments, on often problematic and contentious sites. Our proven track record includes a vast array of approved planning applications, from city centre apartment schemes to single dwellings in the countryside.
Commercial Developments
The combination of expertise in the sector and local knowledge, both of the planning policy framework and the market place, means that PPE is excellently placed to deliver successful outcomes to the planning process which meet the commercial objectives of our clients. Our clients therefore have the advantage of working with an experienced team which is expert at at site finding, outline and detailed planning applications and development. We act for a range of clients operating in the sector including land-owners, development companies, investment funds and property companies.
Planning Appeals
Our planners are qualified in Planning Practice and Environmental Law meaning that we best placed to prepare statements of case in response to planning refusals. Our intricate knowledge of planning law and jurisprudence brings our clients excellent rates of success when appealing or challenging planning decisions.
Development Plan Submissions
As development plans are currently being prepared in all Council Areas in Northern Ireland, an excellent opportunity exists in order for land-owners to have areas re-zoned within the new Local Development Plans. We can promote your site for re-zoning for commercial, industrial or residential development through engaging with and providing submissions to the local councils.
Site Finding
PPE has experienced staff when it comes to finding sites for a wide variety of developments; ranging from sites for single houses to large retail outlets, and sports facilities. We have strong links with a very wide range of organisations, including key developers (National, Regional and Local), land-owners, local authorities, as well as key players in the property market. Our team see new opportunities for residential and commercial development on a daily basis.