NI backlog of planning decision

Northern Ireland’s government has been a major concern for more than a year after its collapse. And with Brexit looming, it is an even more frustrating time for submission of planning applications as concerns grow regarding the uncertainty. The Belfast Telegraph recently revealed that more than 160 key planning decision and regulatory policy issues have piled up.

Certain schemes waiting on ministerial decisions include three wind farms, between four and 33 turbines, fish farm in Kilkee as well as several waste projects. With proposals  being up in the air regarding; the reporting on the implementation of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, the removal of permitted development rights for oil and gas exploration and an uplift in planning fees and reviews of strategic planning policies for both energy and countryside

If you are feeling worried or uncertain about the future of your development, then get in contact and we can offer our expert advice on planning permission in order to get your project of the ground.