A number of key points of this research were:
There were 3,254 planning applications received during April to June 2018 (Q1), up by 4% on previous quarter, but down by 2% on the same period a year earlier. This comprised 3,217 local and 37 major applications.
During the first quarter of 2018/19, 3,002 planning applications were decided, an increase of more than 6% over the quarter but a decrease of over 9% when compared to the same period a year earlier.
The average processing time for major planning applications during Q1 was 68 weeks across all councils; an increase of nearly seven weeks from the 61 weeks reported for the first quarter last year. This is more than double the statutory processing time target of 30 weeks.
The number of local planning applications received during Q1 2018/19 was 3,217, down slightly when compared to the number received in the same quarter last year but up by 4% on the previous quarter. Across councils, Belfast City (500), Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon (356) and Newry, Mourne and Down (351) received the highest number of local planning applications during Q1. These councils also received the highest number of applications in the same quarter the previous year.
Across councils it took, on average, just over 15 weeks to process local applications to decision or withdrawal, similar to the average time taken in the same period last year. Five of the eleven councils were within the 15 week target during the first three months of 2018/19. The shortest average processing time for local applications was just over six weeks in Mid and East Antrim, whilst the longest was nearly 24 weeks in Causeway Coast and Glens.
The number of enforcement cases opened during Q1 was 939, an increase of 12% compared to the same period a year earlier. Across the councils, Newry, Mourne and Down (148) and Belfast City (127) opened the largest number of cases in Q1.
In the first three months of 2018/19, nearly four fifths (79%) of enforcement cases were concluded within 39 weeks. This is nine percentage points above the statutory target and is two percentage points higher than the same period last year. Nine of the eleven councils are on track to meet the target with highs of 89% concluded within 39 weeks in Antrim and Newtownabbey followed by Mid and East Antrim and Fermanagh and Omagh (both 88%). The proportion of enforcement cases concluded ranged from a high of 89% to a low of 45%.
The approval rate for all planning applications for the quarter was 94%, similar to the rate for the previous quarter and for the same quarter a year earlier. First quarter approval rates varied across councils from 87% to 98%.
There were 17 renewable energy applications received in Q1 2018/19, four more than the same period last year. During Q1 15 renewable applications were decided and four withdrawn. The average processing time for these applications was almost 108 weeks.
If you have any questions regarding planning applications or seeking planning approval then get in contact with Planning Permission Experts and we will help you out.