New housing statistics for Northern Ireland 2017/18

A recent research study titled “Northern Ireland Housing Statistics 2017-18” was published by the Department of Communities (DfC). Some of the key figures which it included was:


  • There were 790,328 dwellings in Northern Ireland in April 2018, a rise of 7,056 from 2017.

  • In 2017-18 Building Control recorded 7,100 new dwellings completed, an increase of 10%(6,465) the previous year.

  • There were 1,507 Social Housing Development Programme (SHDP) ne dwelling completion, an increase of 9% the previous year.

  • In 2017-18 there were 7,382 residential planning decisions made, with 94% of these gained planning approval.

Planning Permission Experts are experts in gaining planning permission for dwellings, whether they be farm dwellings in the countryside or apartment developments in urban areas. Planning Experts will offer guidance on your planning application from initial consultation through to completion, ensuring your dream becomes a reality.