The house market in the UK suggest that it is on a slow decline, however northern Ireland housing market suggests different. A recent study taken on by Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors(RICS) suggest that NI housing market is the strongest in the UK. And it also predicated that these figures are set to continue to rise. This shows a good year for NI, despite the uncertainty of Brexit. And whether or not these figures sustain in 2019 will remain to be seen. A RICS spokesman, Sam Dickey, in a recent interview with The Belfast Telegraph claimed that “One thing that does continue to be a feature is the lack of supply," further adding “We need to see more new homes being built, and more resale properties
would need to become available to meet demand." It is an exciting time to be in Northern Ireland, and with all the uncertainties looming over Brexit, it doesn’t seem to have as much impact on NI compared with the rest of the UK, so if you would like professional planning advice, from planning experts, then get in contact with our team and we will help you on your journey.